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Celebrating His Faithfulness

Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!

What a year and a half it has been! I have reported to campus. I thank God for bringing you into this journey with me. It was such a blessing to share in the many joys and trials of ministry partner development. The reality of Romans 12 was revealed to me; rejoice with one another and weep with one another. Through, I was raising support on my own, the deep sense of community was so present. It had been a long tough year. Your prayers have spurred me on and the encouraging words have strengthened me.

I've experienced the importance of celebrating the little milestones along the way.

So, I made a cake for every quarter closer to reaching the big financial goal.

25% of the Goal

50% of the Goal

75% of the Goal

100% of the goal

Recapping this past year, I have seen God deepen relationships with those around me. My favorite part of this whole journey was getting to know each of you better. I have had time to slow down & took delight in studying the Bible. Leaning into his faithfulness brought a whole new perspective. I am excited to be on campus and witnessing God move in the lives of these students. My first week on campus, we met with a girl to share the Gospel and she prayed to receive Christ! We will follow up with her this upcoming week.

Thank you friends and family for celebrating with me... may we continue to celebrate His faithfulness together.

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