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Go & Make Disciples

We as Christians are to GO & MAKE disciples (Matthew 28:19-20). 

Disciple-making is about following Jesus and taking others with you.

What is Discipleship?

So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples.” (John 8:31)

A Christian disciple follows Jesus, becoming more and more like Him through a life of faith and obedience. Healthy discipleship involves all three components – building relationships, studying the Word of God, and doing ministry together.

We can see that the number one thing that Jesus did was get involved in people’s lives.

The twelve He chose, He knew.   

The Word of God is truth… the scriptures show us the way. As Christians, we are to study and live it alongside others. Look what Jesus did. He took His disciples and went throughout Galilee and Israel, ministering to people. He spoke to the masses; He healed; He cast out demons; He taught. Jesus went about ministering, and He took the disciples with Him. We are to do ministry together; which can look like planning outreaches together and actively sharing our faith with others.

This is one of my favorite ways to help students grow in their faith. I have the pleasure to disciple a couple of young women. I enjoyed walking alongside each of them, both of us growing closer to Jesus. It’s encouraging to know that someone is there praying alongside & for you. 

Emily & I had been meeting up going through the seeds booklet. It covered the topics of being rooted in the Word, planting seeds aka sharing the Good news of Jesus, and more. We had gone out sharing our faith with students on campus using perspective cards. Recently, we trained and ran a half marathon together.

I love that discipleship is intentional. It's doing life with others. It challenges us to both grow as Christ-followers & as individuals. I pray that you are in living in community pursuing Jesus & seeking others to walk with you.

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