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The Cowgals of Jackson Hole

Friends from Jackson Hole Summer Mission 2019

Jackson Hole, WY

This month, I am encouraged by reminiscing on this amazing experience with these cowgals. The purpose of the Jackson Hole Summer Mission was threefold – to help build a foundation to walk with God for a lifetime, to equip one to minister more effectively on campus, and to help engage spiritually with the constantly changing culture and the world. God moved in some amazing ways out west. I left Jackson Hole with confidence in my walk with the Lord and an excitement to engage on a deeper level with others. The biggest blessing from this mission came in the form of 13 new gal-friends.

Charleston, SC

Three and half weeks were not long enough! After mission, we found ourselves on numerous road trips all across the eastern coast to see each


Greensboro, NC

One Cowgal, Ray Ray from NY, has been such an encouragement and such a sweet friend over these past few years. It feels like no time has passed since the last time seeing one another. Its amazing when friendships know no distance.

Mormon Row, WY


Adirondacks, NY


Lockegee, KY


I am so thankful God gave me some great friends on summer mission. I am looking forward for the next adventure with them. Just as I did, students are currently serving God with their time and talents on summer missions across the world. They are developing friendships and community that will last a life time. Pray for these students as they experience and witness God move in their lives.

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