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Working from Home

a new journey of ministry partner development

Currently, I am in a season of building a team of partners that will help send me into the mission field on MSU's campus. Additionally, I am taking a seminary class- Intro to Missions through the Institute of Biblical Studies.

I am entering this season with lots of Trust. We see time after time God provides and He provides abundantly. The scriptures are filled with numerous accounts like manna falling from the sky, water streaming up from rocks, food being multiplied and paths made. I am trusting that the same God provided then and He surely will provide now.

My class has opened my eyes to see a greater urgency for missions. We have the privilege and honor to be apart of spreading of His Glory. The freedom Christ brings and the promises fulfilled is one of the greatest gifts we can receive. By that we have been blessed to bless others. We should embrace the attitude of “I've got something amazing to share” rather than keep it to ourselves. The Gospel is for All people. Its the Great Commission to make disciples, proclaim the good news, bear witness, and engage in sending. Everyone should see themselves as a part of the Great Commission and connected to it in some way- either being sent or sending others.

Pray for:

  • missionaries across the world that they will grow confident in proclaiming the Gospel.

  • people hearing the Gospel that their ears and hearts be opened.

  • me as I am in this season of ministry partner development.

  • my current and future partners that they too will be blessed.

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